Futureproofing and Foreseeing Generational trends through the lens of an interior designer

Gen Z and Gen Alpha students have very different ideologies and behaviours from their predecessors. While we grew up ‘hands free’ from technology they’ve definitely got their hands full - because of this we have developed and nurtured different skillsets. They are extremely tech savvy and sometimes insular, but still have a nomadic free-spirited attitude because their devices are far reaching, as are their minds. These generations haven’t known a time before social media and this exposure has moulded them into consumers at a much younger age.

From our research at Nelson + Long we’ve noticed 4 reoccurring themes that can positively influence a student’s experience due to this consumerism mentality.  So, what things can companies improve on and us as interior designers implement to support them through this transformative and transitional time of their lives?


Community - a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common.

A word often heard in the Purpose-Built Student Accommodation (PBSA) sector is community and quite rightly so as community is power, unity and resilience. There’s not much you can’t overcome when a community comes together. Through this transformative and transitional time of a student’s life where they are developing their identity, they need support and a sense of belonging – community does just this.

Creating community focussed spaces creates a holistic and happy scheme and has a positive effect on wellbeing. Always ask the students and hall staff what they want and what can be done to inspire that community feeling. Happy people = happy homes.

The importance of instilling community is key – we translate community into family here at N+L. Both founders of Nelson and Long come from such a rich community minded background which influences and further reinforces our need to create such spaces.


Brand - a type of product manufactured by a particular company under a particular name.

Gen Z students and Gen Alpha are consumers at much younger age to their predecessors. With constant interaction with social media and influencers – it’s hardly surprising. Every week on TikTok there’s a new craze or product they must follow or do. The power of TikTok and Instagram can promote and enhance brand loyalty if the messaging and content aligns with their thoughts. It’s an opportune time for companies to rebrand or tweak their brand values to appeal and attract future students. Creating a strong story and distinguishing brand identity can really set you apart from the competition

It’s time to shout from the rooftops what your company can deliver to authentically enhance the student experience!

I’ll let the facts do the talking… 46% of 19–21-year-olds said they have a strong connection to brand. ‘Gen Z brand relationships - IBM Institute for Business Value study’


Technology - the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry.

The future is coming, so we are always looking to add subtle and clever technological advances to our designs to make life easier. Wireless charging and ways to alter the ambient lighting and heat settings from a device are a simple budget led way to start – people love to personalise!  Getting the right balance is key though – as these spaces still need to feel like home. Technology should be a help not a hindrance.

We also like the idea of smart architecture/smart building which is in turn using forward thinking technological construction methods making for smarter spaces and more responsible tech that helps us to live easier and healthy lifestyles. 

At N+L we’ve been exploring some innovative and exciting technologies emerging such as biomimetic materials and 4-D printing which will totally change materials and manufacturing for the better. Think materials that can repair themselves and create structures in challenging environments, materials inspired by nature that are cheaper to make and are less harmful to the planet.

The future of tech sure is exciting!


Interior design - the art or practice of planning and supervising the design and execution of architectural interiors and their furnishings.

Of course, I’ve got to keep beating the ID drum because as a designer I know the profound effects good design can have.

ID is a one of the key components needed when you want to create immersive spaces that attract, uplift and are functional. From colour application to circulation these things need consideration to ensure your students can navigate and get the best out of a space. Interior design is powerful tool when used correctly. It can affect wellbeing, influence behaviour, it’s a feast for the senses - so it needs careful thought. Interior design is part of the magic formula to instilling a happy and healthy living environment for all students.

No matter what design surrounds us each day whether it be good or bad, so wouldn’t you prefer to surround yourselves with well-thought out, unique and beautiful interiors? I’m sure your students would appreciate that too - just a bit of food for thought.









Beyond the Walls Inspiring Sustainable Living in the PBSA and BTR Communities


Crafting Timeless Interior Design: A Holistic Approach for PBSA and BTR Sectors