Working From Home



As we sit here in the blaring sun typing, it seems quite obvious that the topic that we should touch on is working from home. Most of us are working from home because of the world’s current events. Although we feel out of our comfort zone (here at Nelsonandlong) as I’m sure many of you do, working from home has been quite relaxing. We have been sticking to our normal routine as much as we can barre the occasional lie in. We wake up, go for a run, eat breakfast, and watch a cheeky episode or five of friends (this is not part of our normal routine unfortunately) then crack on. Everything seems so chilled and we are feeling much more positive and pro-active, so in one respect this break is maybe something we all needed. Well where do we start on working from home? We have designed many study areas and work collaboratively with our clients to achieve maximise productivity from the users of the spaces that we design, so maybe we can help you create the perfect home office.  We think the key points to creating a productive work space are as follows: 



  1. Make sure, if you can, that your home office is a separate room or space. This way it is so much easier to switch off for the day and you are not mixing business with pleasure. 

  2. Take time to switch off and make the most of the weather and your home. Just because you are working from home doesn’t mean that you have to be glued to your chair. Take this opportunity to go for a mid-day walk or do some meditation on your lunch? Maintaining your well-being should be a priority in this time. 

  3. Keep your desk or workspace tidy, tidy desk = tidy mind! This is one we truly believe helps. Do you know how many times we have come into work and seen our messy desks? This instantly does something to your frame of mind and can be a negative start to your day. 

  4. Dress to impress, or something like that! When we say dress to impress, we don’t necessarily mean you have to wear a suit and tie! Don’t tell anyone, but we like nothing more than wearing a fresh set of fluffy pj’s (emphasis being on fresh!). Try not to get up in last night’s loungewear and crack on, we guarantee you won’t be as productive as when you have a shower, freshen up and put a new outfit on. 

  5. Don’t procrastinate, but make a plan. We find having some sort of structure to our day helps, we make notes in our diaries or calendars and work through our workload that way. Everything doesn’t always go to plan, but a least we had the right intention. 

  6. Mood elevators, when we say this, we mean get a candle to add a lovely scent to your office and chill you out. Also make a great playlist or listen to the streaming service of your choice. A good song can always elevate our mood. Think of eye of the tiger right now, aren’t you a little pumped? Also make various playlists dependant on your mood.  

  7. Meal Preparation we think is key. Still take 30mins out of your day to sit and gather your thoughts, but try not to eat into those 30mins with cooking a meal. You don’t have to have some A la carte meal prepared. We prepare soup for the week or a salad early in the morning – hey presto! 

  8. Check in with people whether that be your work colleagues or friends. Working from home can be lonely, so drop your friend a text or FaceTime one of your colleagues. 

  9. Don’t sweat the small stuff. It’s so easy to freak out when things are not perfect, but working from home can be a big change and something that you may have to adapt to over time. So take each day as it comes and enjoy it. 

  10. Reflect on what you have achieved each day and not on what you haven't done. Give yourself a pat on the back as work can be hard man and you’ve undoubtedly smashed some goals today. 



Well these are our tips for working from home, they may seem obvious, but it’s sometimes the obvious things that can be overlooked - hope they help!

Who knows when we will go back to our “normal” routine, so all we can do is take this one day at a time and enjoy it as much as we can because when normality resumes we imagine, we will all be wishing we were working from home again - irony eh!

Over and Out x


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